Friday, 30 September 2011

Thursday, September 29th

What we watched from PVR - Amazing Race, Up All Night, Desperate Housewives
What we deleted - Person of Interest (too much to watch)
What we watched live - Big Bang Theory
What we PVR'd for later - Charlie's Angels, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Wednesday, September 28th

What we watched from PVR - Mike & Molly, Raising Hope
What we watched Live - Survivor
What we PVR'd for later - Up All Night, Free Agents, Modern Family, Happy Endings

Broke even!  Watched 2 hours, PVR'd 2 hours. 

Mike & Molly - Wedding planning and a guys fishing trip...what could go wrong?  The Yoga was hysterical, the sister and her mewing and mooing cracked me up!

Raising Hope - Sabrina is rich?  Who knew?  The Japanese toilet scenes were the best part.  Permission to increase my fiber content?

Survivor - Man, Brandon is a loose cannon.  Semhar is sent home...poetic justice?  Papa Bear is sent to battle Christine now, and Cochran may not be far behind.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Tuesday, September 27th

What we watched from PVR - Call Me Fitz, 2.5 Men
What we watched live - Glee, New Girl
What we PVR'd for later - Raising Hope, Body of Proof, Parenthood

Minor victory in only letting the PVR count increase by 1.5 hours...blech, will we ever get this watched.

Fitz - awesome again.  The mother-babying thing was a little weird, but a lot funny.

2.5 Men - Someone has to get Kutcher to smile when he acts, he knows it's a comedy right?

Glee - somewhat forgettable episode with all the Broadway numbers.  Rachels' cry-sing, but hey, Quinn is back, and so is Beth!

New Girl - They swapped out the third guy, as last week was the pilot episode.  This was a pretty good episode, who knew a basketball would scatter an LCD like that?

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Monday, September 26th

What we watched from PVR - Call me Fitz, Grey's Anatomy Part 2
What we watched live - HIMYM, 2 Broke Girls
What we PVR'd for later - 2.5 Men, Mike & Molly, Terra Nova X2, Hawaii 5-0.

My PVR is likely very mad.  and very full. 

Call me Fitz - Priestly back to his repugnant self.  His father has ball cancer, and Fitz thinks he has him by the balls but Larry never made the horse bet.  Sis is moving in with the enemies across the road.

Grey's - The Chief sacrifices himself to save Meredith, and Christina was in the lead to be the Gunther until she Epi-ed Alex.  Avery ended up the Gunther.  The Social Worker took the baby, and now MerDer have to work it out.

HIMYM - The continuation of the Victoria meet, played against Barney's long desire to see/touch Lily's boobs.  Hilarious.  Victoria leaves again, claiming that Robin is the reason no relationship will work for Ted.  And she's right.

2 Broke Girls - The moving forward of the relationship, they end up in bed together, and Caroline falls in horse Brooklyn.  Max wanted the breakup scene with Robbie, but Caroline did it, and they fight, but get back together.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Sunday, September 25th

What we watched from PVR - Free Agents, First Hour of Grey's Anatomy
What we deleted from PVR - Unforgettable (just too many shows to watch)
What we watched live - Nothing
What we PVR'd for later - Amazing Race, Desperate Housewives, Call Me Fitz X2, Boardwalk Empire

Went in the negative on the PVR remove versus PVR add tonight.  Not good.

Free Agents - This show was better than the first, but may not be making the lists for much longer.  It's not that it poorly written, but I have no compassion for the characters.

Grey's Part 1 - Meredith is fired, but is allowed to remain around the hospital, seriously?  The car in the sinkhole, and the Astin having to cut off his wife's leg drama was okay.  The new chief resident appears to be failing miserably.  Meredith steals her kid!  Part 2 tonight?  Maybe.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Saturday, September 24th

What we watched from PVR - Parenthood, Charlie's Angels, Up all night
What we watched live - Nothing
What we PVR'd for later - Nothing

Friday, September 23rd

What we watched from PVR - Hawaii 5-0, New Girl, Raising Hope
What we watched live - Nothing
What we PVR'd for later - Fringe

Friday, 23 September 2011

Thursday, September 22nd

What we watched live - Big Bang Theory X2
What we PVR'd for later - Charlie's Angels, Person of Interest, Grey's Anatomy

BBT - The aftermath of Raj and Penny.  Turns out Raj was a bit of a quick draw.  Nothing really happened except nakedness.  The second ep was about a dirty chair.  The first show was much better.  The second had little bang.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Wednesday, September 21st

What we watched from PVR - Nothing
What we watched Live - Survivor, Modern Family
What we PVR'd for Later - Up All Night, Free Agents

Survivor - Brandon has some real issues with Mikayla's hotness, doesn't he?  I'd say he cheated on his wife or something like that.  Ozzy finds the Idol, and Christine finds the clue, if only she had found the Idol it may have saved her...but no. 

Modern Family - Heading to the dude ranch.  Jay is not taking to the horse well, but the cowpoke is taking to Gloria.  Who wouldn't.  Dylan is out of the show for a while now too.  The second half is about Mitchell and Cam adding a second child to their flock.  Lily has to get over her share/coddle issue first.  In an aha moment they all find out that Claire's having to be right all the time is because of Jay.  Shocker.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Tuesday, September 20th

What we watched from PVR - 2 Broke Girls
What we watched live - Glee
What we PVR'd for later - New Girl, Raising Hope, Body of Proof, Parenthood, Unforgettable

2 BG - really good first show, Kat is awesome.  The skeety boyfriend had to go, and ta-da that happened.  Why don't they sell the horse?  I wonder if the total earned at the end of the show will keep updating.  That would be cool.

Glee - Welcome back!  No Sam, Puck back to being Puck (hopefully), and Quinn gone all 80's Madonna.  Few changes, Will and Emma in the bed, but no action.  Sue being her nasty self.  The go-gos number was much better than the Wicked number, only five songs today.  Blaine transferred makes it easier for the musical numbers.  Mercedes has a new man!

Wow, we PVR'd 4 hours!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Monday, September 19th

What we watched "live" - HIMYM x2, 2.5 Men
What we PVR'd - 2 Broke Girls, Hawaii 5-0

HIMYM - Barney's wedding, but we find out next to nothing about it.  Typical.  Marshall and Lilly are preggo, and tell the rest of the 5.  Barney's trial runs of pick-up personas is hilarious - Patient Zero!  Robin pines after Barney only to see him end up swooning for Norah.  Which tie does he marry?  Ted sees the cupcake girl that he loved, obviously back from Germany (right?) Ashley Williams!

2.5 Men - The arrival of Ashton, the cremation of Charlie.  Somewhat tastefully done.  Ashton played it so straight-faced the whole show, it looked like bad acting.  The exes at the church was great - Jeri Ryan, Jenny McCarthy, et al was killer.  Of course, Rose killed him.  Ashton is buying the house, as to how the rest of them still stay on is no addressed, but...

Monday, 19 September 2011

Sunday, September 18th

What we watched - Just go with it (1/2 of it) (Movie)

Pretty good so far, they are in Hawaii with Dolph having joined them.  Predict that Sandler ends up with nobody.

Saturday, September 17th

What we watched - Hall Pass (Movie)

So hilarious and so true to life.  Glad this would never happen in real life! 

Friday, 16 September 2011

Friday, September 16th

We watched nothing.  Nothing on PVR, nothing really on TV, DIY and Iron Chef, but nothing really.

Thursday, September 15th

What we watched - Up All Night, Free Agents

Critics said the better show was UAN, but they both were meh, in my opinion.

Wednesday, September 14th

What we watched - Survivor, Big Brother

Survivor - Intro episode, hi I'm blah, I do blah for a living.  I'm Dawn in the at-work pool, and I thought I was crazy.  Coach is still a tool, and Ozzy is not much better.  Nemheh, or whatever her name is couldn't keep going in the challenge, so she went to Redemption Island.

BB - Rachel wins, frig.  She was the most deserving out of the end 3, but I hate the witch.  Adam was useless, and had the misconception he could win.  Tool.

Tuesday, September 13th

What we watched - Parenthood

New TV is back!!  Great show, great first ep.  Jason Ritter is back.  This show was more about the kids of the Bravermanns except for the Adam and Crosby buying the Diner Studio thingy.  The drunken dance party by the adults was funny, though.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Monday, September 12th

What we watched - Nothing, again.  Well, Man v. Food, and Storage Wars were on, but not really paying attention to them.

Sunday, September 11th

What we watched - True Blood Finale.

Wicked, so many storylines.  Death (possible) count - Tara, Nan, Debbie, Jesus.  In trouble in the last scenes - Jason and Sam.  Back from the dead - Russell and Steve.  Well, technically almost all characters like Rene and Gran were back from the dead for a few moments.  Lots of questions answered, lots more posed.   Oh, and naked Jessica.

Saturday, September 10th

We watched nothing...nothing at all.  Man, bring on the new shows!!

Friday, September 9th

What we watched - Rookie Blue X 2

The two-part finale.  You knew they were going to wrap up this Swarek undercover bit pretty fast, but thought it would go past a half dozen shows.  Drama as he goes missing, blah blah.  I think the two blondies are going to hook up now.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Thursday, September 8th

What we watched live - Big Brother
What we PVR'd - Rookie Blue (2 Hrs)

BB - Adam nominates Jordan and Porsche, Porsche wins POV, Rachel goes up, starts crying, but it's Jordan that gets the boot.  The three part HoH starts at the end of the show...

Wednesday, September 7th

What we watched - Big Brother

Kalia gets the boot, and Adam wins HoH.  Newbies rule!

Tuesday, September 6th

We watched nothing, there was nothing on...early to bed, early to rise.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Monday, 5 September 2011

Sunday, September 4th

What we watched - Big Brother, True Blood, Boardwalk Empire, Ep 10

Saturday, September 3rd

What we watched - No Strings Attached (movie), Boardwalk Empire Ep 9

NSA - Not bad, Natalie Portman as the free loving doctor wasn't really convincing, but she will always be the little girl next door in Beautiful Girls to me.  Kutcher was more believable,and his ex with his Dad was good stuff.  4 of 5 stars.

BE9 - All about the D'Alessio (don't they make pizzas?), Jimmy is told to kill them by Nucky as they tried to kill Eli.  Eddie and Nucky survive an attack by them.  Van Alden arrests Jimmy, but has to let him go, Sebso takes the only witness Billy on a transfer and kills him.

Friday, September 2nd

What we watched - Rookie Blue, Boardwalk Empire Ep 8.

Rookie Blue - The Scavenger Hunt.  Three rookies left alone in the wild, return 12 hours later with as much cash and drugs as possible.  Andy runs into undercover Swarek, they sleep together, and Dove screws over his brother's old friend.  Expect that to have repercussions.

BE8 - Eli is filling in for Nucky.  Eli gets shot.  Oops.  There's a bunch of political stuff that I gloss over.  Nucky sees Jimmy and asks him to come back to AC.  Nucky learns about Eli and freaks, calls Margaret and gets her to protect his little black liquor book.  Van Alden's wife wants money for baby-making doctors, be he instead sends it to Jimmy's wife, who was meant to have it anyway.  Margaret looks at the book, fade to black.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Thursday, September 1st

What we watched - Boardwalk Empire Ep 7, Big Brother

BE - I like how not all character lines are in each show, but you have to remember so much.  Like when the guy is sitting down in the diner, I had to think about who he was.  Jimmy finding the other vet, and using him to snipe that guy was sweet though.  Nucky and his women was developed a little farther.  The young one will snap soon though.  Our first lesbian scene too!

BB - As expected Shelly gets the boot, and we see the Jury house and the awkwardness that exists there.  HoH is a carry over again, so we have no idea...unless you go to the spoiler site..

Wednesday, August 31st

What we watched - Big Brother

Porsche puts up Jorchel as expected, Rachel wins Veto, so it ends up being Adam and Shelly on the block.  Unless Shelly cuts a deal, she will be #4 Jury.