Friday 13 May 2011

Wednesday, May 11th

What we watched from PVR - Happy Endings
What we watched "live" - Survivor, Modern Family, Cougartown
What we PVR'd for later - Happy Endings X2


Happy Endings - How did we get a whole week behind?  Jeez.  Haven't we all fantasized about opening our own restaurant?  Probably not as ambitious as Pangaea, but still.  The the hipsters?  Whatever, I'm over it, but I'll dance backwards out of the 90's Mitzvah in my purple/blue leggings!

Survivor - Rooster gets sent home in the duel (four-el) that I thought they would use to shrink the numbers even further, but no, 8 people are making it to Sunday's finale.  The big shocker, I think, is that Grant was voted off.  Rob can't win this, no way!

Modern Family - Cam is sick, and it's interfering with the Lady Gaga concert!  Heaven forbid.  Claire and Phil switch Good Cop, Bad Cop roles, and it's disastrous.  You poked the bear!  I was afraid to not drink the milkshake!

Cougartown - The breakup aftermath.  Not so funny, but the arrival of Andy's family was!  Nia Vardelous (sp!) as his sister-in-law with a thing for him was hilarious, yet conflicting.  Everyone else spoke the language except Andy.  Too funny!

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