Friday, 18 March 2011

Thursday, March 17th

What we watched from PVR - Mad Love, Mr. Sunshine
What we watched "live" - Private Practice
What we PVR'd for later - Bones


Mad Love:
Befriending the friends usually never works in a relationship, especially if your friends are odd-balls like this crowd!  Not sure if this show will be kept on the schedule, but we'll see.

Mr. Sunshine:
This episode was a lot more interesting than many so far, and James Taylor was on it.  The annoying millionaires, were annoying, although the shots of apple juice was a great idea!

Private Practice:
Not a heck of a lot of action, but weird medical dilemma with the harvesting of a preemie's eggs?  That was far out even for this show.  The main point of this episode was the build up for the departure of Nay.  Violet trying to get the author's pic for the cover ended nicely, and I think brilliantly.

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