Saturday, 23 April 2011

Friday, April 22nd

What we watched from PVR - Bones, Desperate Housewives, Brother & Sisters, Mad Love
What we watched "live" - Nothing
What we PVR'd for later - Fringe


Bones: Butterflies can be gross!  The chuppacabra mention always sends me back to old X-Files episodes.  The Jeffersonian has a sound library, who knew?  From nearly the start I knew who the killers were, just not how they did it.

DH: I figured when they showed the dialysis buddy in the "previously on", that he would play a part, and he did for Susan, he died..  Carlos was told about Andrew killing his Mom, and understandable lost it.  I'm surprised Gabby is allowed in the house!  A $100,000 signing bonus?  Really?  He was unemployed a couple of years ago!

B&S: Luc and the showing, and Sarah almost sold the house.  Oops.  Michelle has a baby, and it's likely Kev and Scotty's.  Oops again.  Brody turns out to have lied about his blood type and Sarah may be his.  So he leaves, and Nora has a broken heart.  No Kitty this episode.

Mad Love: Bar trivia, realized I was a nerd when I rhymed off what HTML stood for...  The girls go spa-ing, and it's all about looking young.  Team Sha-Boom likely win the bar trivia...

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