Monday, 22 August 2011

Sunday, August 21st

What we watched from PVR - Rookie Blue
What we watched live - Big Brother, True Blood

RB - Horses and Mandarin Mafia, what a great combo.  The horses send Dov into a drug-induced babble where he tells Peck he loves her.  Awkward!  Andy is asked out by the head horseman.  Traci connects with a fake bomb threat girl, who was trying to protect her boyfriend, and it turns out that he was trying to kill her.  Nash saves the day!

BB - The continuation of the HoH comp.  As predicted Jeff wins, and nominates Porsche and Kalia.  Dani is already in the Veto comp, so it should be easy...?

TB - Nan drops by and learns about the witches, she has to get silvered, she's not happy.  Sookie is having threesome dreams.  The coven is held captive by the ancient witch, Lafayette/Aunt Jemima and Mikey are hold up in Hoyt's house.  Jesus helps Jemima and the baby reconnect, and she leaves Lafayette's body.  Jess and Jason get it on.  Sam and Luna do it too, while fake Sam is getting the crap kicked out of him by werewolves.  Alcide spends the end of a second episode running away with someone in his arms.

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