Monday, 1 August 2011

Sunday, July 31st

What we watched live - Big Brother, True Blood

BB - Fallout from the HoH and Brachel's attacks on Dani from last show.  Fittingly, Dani wins HoH, and the vets are shitting in their pants.  Rightfully so.  Brendon and Rachel get nominated.  Thank Jeebus!

True Blood - Eric and Sookie's sex romp is interrupted by Bill.  Eric is slated for the true death...jealous much, Bill?  Jason is convinced he will were-panther under the full moon, and Jess is there to help him.  The witch channels the old witch and now is powerful which I guess will help further that story along.  Tara hooks back up with her kick-boxing lesbian girlfriend, but Rotting Pam looks to end that.  Tommy shifts into Sam?  But it seems as if it kills him?  Sookie and Eric reconnect in the end as Bill has a change of heart, and Sookie and Eric get busy in the forest.

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